Group Therapy
Do you ever think how much more helpful it would be if you could talk to someone who’s been through something similar to what you’re experiencing? “I mean talking to a therapist is cool and all, but they don’t really relate to what I’m talking about”. Have you ever wanted to receive support or validation from someone who knows what it feels like to be in your position? “I feel so alone in dealing with this, and I just feel like no one could possibly relate to how I’m feeling”.
There are situations for which talking to your therapist one-on-one can only be so helpful and what people really need is to connect with others who have been through a similar experience.
Group therapy is an option that clients are utilizing more all the time. Prior to the pandemic, but especially after it, people recognize more and more the benefits of connecting with other people in a healing space where they can both give and receive support from peers who are experiencing similar circumstances and feelings. Research has shown that group therapy is at least as effective as individual therapy and for some mental health concerns, it can be even more effective than individual therapy (particularly for issues that increase isolation tendencies).
Our Approach
At Bridges to Wellness, we recognize and appreciate the healing that can take place in group therapy and we work with clients who are interested in group options to help them identify the type of group that would be most useful for them.
We have done both support groups and emotional processing groups.
These groups may have people with various presenting concerns, but what they have in common is an underlying experience that has challenged them in ways they’d never imagine. Our clients use group therapy to provide a healing space where they can connect with others who are seeking the same type of healing and are looking for the same type of support. The result of experiencing cohesion and interpersonal connectedness is one that cannot be overstated in terms of its healing properties. The cathartic impact of this experience is one that often shocks clients and can often be the healing that they didn’t know they needed.
In group therapy, your life will be improved from learning strategies about managing your emotions and connecting with others.
Group therapy will teach you things about yourselves and how you interact with others that you may never have learned without being in an environment that challenged you to be honest and open with people with whom you are connected on an emotional level. You take these lessons with you into the “real world” armed with the knowledge of who you really are at your core and what you need to feel supported, validated, and connected to others.
You may believe therapy can help you but you still have questions about Group Therapy.

Won’t it be awkward talking about personal things in front of a bunch of strangers?
Only in the beginning. It would be dishonest to say that there isn’t some initial awkwardness when starting group therapy. But similar to getting your body used to the water temperature when getting in a pool, we start slow and work our way up to being more and more comfortable.

How will I know if group therapy is right for me?
The best answer to this question is to ask your therapist if you are unsure. But please understand that there are very few mental health issues for which group is NOT helpful. The odds are high that group therapy would be helpful for you and your specific needs, but this is always a question that your therapist can help you explore.!

Won’t my needs get lost in such a large setting?
Not at all. Group therapists are trained to facilitate the group in a way in which everyone gets time and space in the group. But an important thing to consider is that in group counseling, the group is the client and not the individuals that comprise the group. If you believe that you need 100% of the time and focus week in and week out in therapy, group therapy may not be the best option for you.
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